Monday, August 5, 2013

So There's This Thing Called Perception

     All of the shit is hitting all of the fan--it's just not your week, month, year or day. Whatever it is, the present moment isn't a good one so what do you do?

Cry? Feel sorry for yourself? Blame it on past mistakes? Abandon all issues by seclusion?


Develop an Iron Will that marries Feelings and Logic in holy fucking matromony

Logic? Feelings? Oh how these two words contradict each other all the time. The irony is that we fail at most endeavers when we use either one in excess. 

Keyword: Juxtapose

That's right these little assholes that do damage to our well being if we use either one too much must work in Juxtaposition. Sound easy? Sure. But if you fall into the category of a sole thinker or a feeler it has the potential to be be a mind boggling and arduous process. Be ready to take a look at all the things you hate about yourself--this probably won't be pretty.

Feeler is feeling happy, sad, mad, and content with a touch of crazy

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Oh can be so fucking awesome, but man can you be a dick.

Passion can run wild--whether you're in a competition, a long time committed relationship, or watching an NFL game at the bar. (Go 49ers!)

For instance, Michael--your friend--just whooped that ass at Street Fighter in front of all of your friends. I mean you were a challenge to everyone before this nerd asshole came up. I mean who the fuck does he think he is? There's pride at stake here and he just seriously dicked you down with an infamous Ryu "HADOUKEN"
(If you don't know just youtube "Hadouken").
Sound trivial? Probably because it is. Can this become toxic? Oh fuck yes it can my friends.

Please see exhibit B: Relationships

Love them? Hate them? And no I'm not just referring to girlfriends, boyfriends, or husbands and wives--but ALL types of serious relationships that are seemingly made up from ionic bonds (Refer to your intro chem textbooks kids).

 Feelings can cloud your judgement like venom spewed from the devil's anus, and a lot the time time you won't even know!

That's right, that threat of leaving because you felt momentary discomfort is very real my friends and will come back around sooner or later.

Have enough of those moments without actually thinking about what the fuck just happened--or why--can end dirty because guess what? The feeler remembers ALL that shit. And what was it about feelings again? Oh yeah they can either be rational or totally irrational.

"Well damn Brian, I feel all the time. I can't control my shit in a heated moment! I'm passionate about this person!"

This is true a lot of people can't, but you can take preventative steps like washing your hands, doing a backflip, and finding Diagon alley. Joking aside, this is where logic must step in. Oh captain logic, he stands for emotional contentness! Freedom! And keeping away those pesky leaks in the sink! We'll get back to this later after I pick some bones with logic

I think therefore I am: Captain Logic!

The thinker: so profound, so intriguing--what a pompous condescending asshole.
Don't worry my feeling friends, it's not all that bad--in fact the captain logic groupies have as many potential vices, if not more, than you do! So where do we even begin?

A friend once told me that sometimes you have to cut off your own fingers to save your hand. Captain Logic would certainly do this if he felt they had people in their lives who they evaluated as less worthy of their time. So basically "fuck you, fuck you, fuck yoou, you're cool--I'm out!" 

Sure they analyze and solve all the problems they can, but usually they don't understand that they hurt someone's feelings by not having a handle on the one thing they desperately need to show a bit more of. Feelings.

They analyze and critisize just as the media does with the size of Kim Kardashian's ass. Many don't realize that these are not condescending people on purpose--they just try to solve all of the problems in the world with constructive critisms that are certainly not OK to recommend to everyone. Don't do this with any relationship too often: you will get chlamydia and die. 

NOTE: UNLESS you can somehow communicate your intentions in a calm sophisticated bad ass manner, and the other person will actually listen and understand--then this is OK every once in a while.

The feeling person will likely feel inadequate after a while and that you don't appreciate them at all, which may or may not be the case. Are you an asshole or are you an asshole? But let's not dwell on spilled milk and figure out how the hell we get these two arch enemies to shake hands and get white girl wasted together.

Extra! Extra! Captain Logic and feelings save person from burning building!

batman - fire rescue

The impulsiveness or lack of understanding either one of these types exhibit towards the other is because they can't seem to understand how to get both of these parts of their brain working together. It's a difficult process, but someone born as a farmhand certainly can't just become a computer expert and forget the scent of cow fart. You know both sides are certainly working--yes Captain Logic can certainly fall in love with his own Loius Lane--but you're just used to relying on one of them.

Even if you are feeling like it's the end of the world--do yourself a favor and THINK. And I mean find every single positive about the situation as possible. Be that determined boy going through puberty looking for every possible moment to catch Skinemax while his parents are gone. Be Rocky Balboa, be The Terminator, be Chuck Norris, be a bad ass--but don't lose sight of that determination. 

This is for YOU. So that you may resolve or prevent conflicts and keep your emotions or pompous sounding crap in check. Your feelings may say "Oh really? You think I talk too much?" but your logic will catch your ass. If not at that moment then later. And that's when you tell the other person exactly how that made you feel and try your best to understand their side of the story. And Logic will also prevent you from DWELLING on it which is the key. It's at that point where may acheive peace and clarity with your own emotions and yourself as well as those you care about.

Can someone fulfill the needs and desires of how another person wants to be treated if they are not told what they are in a sincere clarified manner? No. It's impossible. An irate person may not listen, but a little step back from them to reevaluate the situation and come to an understanding is as close to perfect as we can become in our interactions with ourselves and others. 

And most importantly...It's Healthy.

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