Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Short Story Bakery: The Vagabond

A Common Cold

9:06PM on a cool Sunday Southern California Evening.  

     "You really want this?"

     "Yes, I'm certain. I want to work this out, even though I like you a lot--I like my boyfriend more."

     Her beautiful brown eyes were piercing--his voice cracked, he was in complete disbelief. This person, this amazing person whom had been around for so long had finally placed all of the necessary nails in the coffin of this "relationship."

     They resembled a young couple attending the Hard Rock Cafe, but this particular moment in time didn't catch the carefree nature of such a couple.Their attire consisted of the casually informal flavor. His tall average builded stature wore a dull plaid shirt made up of greys, blacks, and blues, skinny black jeans, and a pair of black classic Nikes--all complemented his pale complexion and short choppy dark hair. Her hourglass Victoria's Secret model body rocked a black cardigan, black jeans, and a Led Zeppelin T-shirt--her evenly tanned complexion along with her long dark hair placed a dark alluring aura of mystery. Both rock stars in their own right.

     "Are you kidding me? Look at me. Do you have any idea what you're missing out on?" His light brown eyes gleamed under his bedroom ceiling light as he gazed directly into hers.

     "I need to give him another chance, regardless of what we've been through."

     "Do you love him or something?" His high jawline clinched, not because he wanted to be with her desperately, but because of the guilt he would bring unto himself if he may have interfered with her love for another person.

     "I don't love him, he said he loves me--but as for me I'm not sure if i'll ever get to that point with him. I don't know. As I said before, I like him more--that is why I'm set on this decision. He was there for me during a rough time, had you been there 6 months ago things would be different." She spoke with stubborn conviction and pronounced every word carefully as if trying to train a wild animal.

     "So he admits he loves you through a mistake? I guess I was needed to make him finally confess. This is a trap, it doesn't sound right. You're being played. And just being there for someone during a rough time shouldn't matter that much, I could be there for you too--I could do all of that and more, but I'd honestly love to remain friends and see if this goes anywhere," he didn't want to make comparisions, but these words came out from a passion stemming from the fact that he felt that he was losing a great person in his life--great people are highly uncommon. She also had the ability to assist him with getting further in his own life ambitions. He knew this was extraordinarily rare--he greatly cherished this--her encouragement for all the projects he was doing, while many had brushed him off, she actually helped him become much better than he ever thought he could be.  

     "Even if you're right about all of this, I want to find out for myself OK?" Her face became pained from the irritating honesty of his words.

     "This is obviously the end of you both; I'm not even trying to instigate anything."

     "Don't. Just stop."

     "Alright I'm sorry. I care about you so much though, even if you don't think I do."

     "How could you possibly feel that way?"

     "I see parts of you that you cannot even see in yourself. If you only knew."

     The words struck like a sharp piano key. Frustration overtook her--she wanted him gone. Her dark thin high arching eyebrows now in a perplexed position with her hands covering her face. His persistance frightened her. The feelings she had developed frightened her even more; everything she had done spelled doom for her current relationship.

     "Maybe sometime down the line we can become friends again," she said as she internally fought herself.

     "Do you realize what you've done? You told me that you were casually dating and that it wasn't serious at all--that is not a boyfriend. You reciprocated every sign of affection from me with full knowledge of our feelings for each other."

     Her condemnation of him to save the current relationship she had would not be enough. She was at more fault than she had lead herself to believe. Holding onto this presently broken relationship because of dual insecurities was pointless.

     "I'm not good for you," she looked guilty, and knew what she had told him--but didn't want to awknowledge it--she was trying to salvage this relationship of hers.

     "Maybe I enjoy the danger. I thrive in chaos!" He said smiling at her.

     "You're a masochist," she couldn't resist laughing and smiling at this charming asshole as she spoke these words.

     "You don't gotta lie to kick it baybay," his flattery and lame humor were certainly making this more difficult for her than she would have liked.

     "God dammit I hate you!" She said with a smirk upon her face.

     "How can you hate this face?" He used a circular motion with his index finger pointing around his round shaped face.

     They were sitting in his bedroom. He was on the bed, and she was on the recliner. A distance of 6 feet in between them. He had given her a bottle of water prior to this conversation that she had slowly been sipping the entire time.

     "WOW," she immediately threw the bottle that still contained 9 fl. oz. of water at him.

     It hit him directly in the mouth in exactly the correct way as he was laughing--bounced against his lip, which was cut open by his teeth.

     "Hahahahaha I love it," he said as he pointed at his bloody lip.

     "Oh my god I'm so sorry! Now I feel even worse! I was aiming for your arm!" She exclaimed with concern. Her face once again looking down at her hand.

     "Is that your aim? You're on a roll tonight! It's okay though it doesn't even hurt lady," he said with a smile on his face.

     "You should probably put ice on it."

     "Yeah you're probably right. Okay we will continue this in a minute!"

     He ran to the kitchen and grabbed a few ice cubes, placed them in a towel and held it over right side of his bottom lip. Upon his return, she couldn't help but laugh at how silly he looked.

     "Now I can't take you seriously with that thing on your face!"

     "Oh this thing right here? This other thing that you have done to me? You are so fucking Palpatine," and yes he had referred to her as the evil Sith Lord from Star Wars.

     She couldn't help but laugh at him. Even though he was upset he played everything off as honestly as he could--to just be himself. He knew he would lose a great friend from the past, and that this would likely be permanent.

    "What am I going to do with you?!" A look of emotional confusion clearly visible across her face while trying to remain committed to her decision.

     "Do you think I'm some stubborn man-child?"

     "YES! You are a stubborn man-child!" A huge smile lit up her face.

     "At least I'm an attractive man-child."

     "You're so cocky! I wish I had something else to throw at you, but I won't because I already feel bad!"

     "It's confidence! I know myself! I'm just being silly. I'm actually very humbled--and OH SO insecure," blatant sarcasm could be felt when the word "insecure" emerged.

    "Hahahaha...ugh...well look I'm sorry okay? Who knows what will happen, you just need to remain positive as you always say and great things will come I'm sure--but you need to let me try and fix this," laughter turned to seriousness as her brown eyes gazed at him with a deep sense of sincerity and humility.

     "Alright i'll remain your friend and tone everything down. I'm sorry, I really am," his expression just as sincere, but silly looking with the ice-filled towel upon his face.

     She stood up, walked towards where he sat on the bed and gave him a hug. He didn't budge, he was deep in thought. This man had already been through enough--another relationship, another failure. "Disappointment" could be the middle name of most women he'd ever been with. This friendship was a great road to recovery, a great chemistry, trust--things he needed to regain after his previously disasterous relationship.

     "Oh wow it's 10:00PM already? I have to go," she grabbed her black leather purse from the floor and began walking towards the bedroom door.

     "Wait, i'll walk you," regret could be felt in his voice, and an expression of guilt washed over his face like a dog that has just gotten into trouble for urinating on the rug.

     Only street lights illuminated the darkness of night on this curved road outside his house. They walked the cemented pathway, across the lawn, across the sidewalk, and passed his white mailbox that sat upon a foundation of bricks. Her dark compact car could be seen across the street--parallel parked along the neighbor's sidewalk and wooden fence.

     "This sucks," he said as their footsteps echoed across the street.

     They arrived at her car--she opened the driver's side door, placed her purse in the passenger seat and her loud assortment of different keychains and keys in the driver's seat.

     "Alright it was nice seeing you, don't worry everything will be fine," her soft bowed lips recited these words that the man didn't seem to believe. Everything would be fine, sure, but in the back of his mind he knew their friendship would end because of this--that aspect would not be fine.

     "Until next time," his voice was forcefully determined, hopeful, and confident as he leaned in for a brief hug.

     He returned home with the sounds of his footsteps and acceleration of her cars' departure--a departure that could be heard faintly less and less as every second passed until there was finally silence--finality. An amazing person became just another person, another disappointment added to his relationship tally. From friendship, to complicated, to nowhere. Gazing up towards the sky he pondered if he'll ever have any kind of future with another great person--everything he needs to be happy is within himself, but that little extra added happiness of a true companion would definitely be the cherry on top. He didn't want to explore a sea of meaningless superficial encounters, life isn't just about "getting pussy," but in his perfect world it's about exploring deep meaningful relationships with other great like-minded people--this tends to slip from his fingers, or maybe it simply doesn't exist. Either way he remained as hopeful as he could despite all of the shortcomings that presented themselves.

     "Sometimes events take place when they're not supposed to, sometimes life makes no fucking sense at all, and sometimes...fuck," his thoughts spoke softly as he looked up at his bland white bedroom ceiling, while fan blade shadows from the ceiling fan raced across his face. The same blandness that seemed to invade his life, time and time again, ever-present within the ceiling above him, while the shadows of greatness continuously seemed to pass over him.


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